Cobot Weekly 16 – AI classification
Here we use the TM cobot AI vision system to classify undamaged and damaged objects. This is ideal for detecting and sorting any imperfections, damaged parts or materials on your production lines!
Cobot Weekly 15 – AI OCR (optical character recognition)
Demonstrating the Techman cobots ability to read obscured font, small font, characters and symbols.
Cobot Weekly 14 – TM vision system accuracy
The Techman cobot is ideal for tasks that require repeatable precision accuracy! Check this out!
Cobot Weekly 13 – Automatic tool changing capabilities
The combination of the TM cobot and an automatic tool changer allows your cobot to change tools without any human interruption!
Cobot Weekly 12 – Techman Robot AI detection
The Techman AI cobot demonstrates its ability to detect the presence and absence of dice, which faces have been presented and the quantity of the dice faces.
Cobot Weekly 11 – Techman Robot AI anomaly detection
Here we use a small piece of wire to simulate a scratch on a piece of material, the AI then detects this ‘scratch’ and highlights the damage on screen.
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